
Doing Research with Generative AI Bots

In a recent discussion, we explored the intriguing capabilities and pitfalls of AI chatbots like ChatGPT and Google Bard, particularly in research contexts. These tools offer a wealth of creative responses but also underscore the importance of discernment, especially when accurate information is crucial.

Only a little bit re-identifiable?! Good luck with that…

Moving fast and breaking things is extremely bad advice when it comes to privacy. The main reason why privacy turns out to be a killer of your data-driven innovation project lies in the fact that privacy is closely related to trust – the most valuable asset a financial institution has (to lose). But privacy protection stays tricky even if the banks don’t try to cut corners.

Privacy – A Killer of Data-Driven Innovation for Banks?

Three new privacy techniques finally allow banks to leverage the utility hidden in customer data while at the same time providing the highest level of privacy protection. Privacy protection can’t be used as an excuse to not innovate with data anymore. Innovations in privacy protection are the key to fixing data-driven innovation.

Rolling the Dice With Privacy

The original version of this article was published on Mostly AI’s blog Why Privacy Matters? “Knowledge is power” should be a familiar quote for most of us. But did you know …